Directory search dashboard
What is Directory Search?
search results with the faculty/staff details of the university
When a particular search is made, the search engine goes through every faculty/staff details present within the updated directory of the university, and displays results in a card format.
How does the feature work and how can the universities update the directory?
With the introduction of the new 'Directory Search' feature, our focus shifted to enabling client administrators to efficiently manage and update a database containing information on lecturers, professors, and staff within their respective universities.
the Challenge
Difficulty to map the exact fields of the uploaded file, with the directory card details
Solution: Final Design
Adding a file upload feature with mapping the columns functionality
To ensure students could access accurate information about their lecturers and professors, a centralized repository for storing and regularly updating data was necessary. This goal was achieved by implementing an upload feature within the SpotSearch Dashboard, allowing clients to upload documents and Excel files or sync data from specific links to a dedicated database. The information could then be seamlessly displayed in a dedicated tab within the results section.
The results section was transformed into a card-based layout, coupled with intuitive filters at the top, facilitating meaningful navigation, even when dealing with a substantial volume of results.